- WP1 INCEPTION setting the grounds for effective implementation.
- WP2 DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCE-BASED CURRICULA deals with curricula harmonization. Throughout this WP, 6 HEIs will work on adjusting their curricula and prepare it for re-accreditation process.
- WP3 MODERNIZATION AND INNOVATION OF TEACHING METHODOLOGY improves teaching methodology and entrepreneurial competences. Through interactive seminars needs analysis and study visits teachers in BH learn how to organize interactive PBL classes.
- WP4 ENHANCEMENT OF TEACHERS TRANSVERSAL SKILLS improves transversal skills. Throughout this WP each HEI will create a team of trainers.
- WP5 ACCREDITATION/LICENSING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATED CURRICULA will deal with accreditation, purchase and installation of equipment and enrollment of students.
- WP6 deals with QUALITY. QA committee holds regular sessions and monitor implementation. Eighth WP deals with project management through SC meetings.
- WP7 is DISSEMINATION will assume organization of promo events, media activities, visual identity, web site development. It will deal with sustainability of project results. Key elements of sustainability will be reflected in English language courses for teaching/nonteaching staff, transversal skills trainings for teaching and nonteaching staff and student representatives.
- WP8 MANAGEMENT ensures proper procedures are developed and followed throughout the project.